Hinweisgebersystem Stadt Willich
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Involves breaches of data protection laws and regulations on the protection of personal data. This would include, in particular, cases involving large quantities of data or particularly sensitive data. Examples:
the unlawful disclosure of business and trade secrets
the misuse of data
the insufficient access protection to sensitive data
Environmental protection →
Environmental protection includes any environmental offenses and environmental damage. For example:
Illegal disposal of waste
Improper handling of pollutants
Water, soil, or air pollution
Embezzlement →
This would include all property offenses to the detriment of the company. For example:
Theft or misappropriation of company property
Withholding company funds or work materials
Personal enrichment
Conflicts of interest →
A conflict of interest occurs when a person/company is entangled in multiple interests that may corrupt that person's/company's motivations or decision-making. One such situation would be when an employee's personal interests come into conflict with those of the company, and the company suffers damage as a result.
Manipulation of business documents/balance sheets →
This would refer, in particular, to violations of applicable accounting standards or generally accepted accounting principles, resulting in misrepresentations in the company's financial reporting. For example: improper preparation or falsification of invoices, credit notes, financial statements, audit trails, etc.
Violations of codes of conduct at the workplace as well as human rights violations →
These include violations of working conditions as well as human rights violations. For example:
Unequal treatment
Working time violations